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Гастроэнтерология и хирургия

Scientific methods of diagnosis and treatment of digestive diseases.
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Гастроэнтерология и хирургия Description

The app tells of new medical technologies, methods of treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of digestive diseases, including surgical. It works only via the Internet, updating the latest news. It contains advertising.
This interactive mobile application for physicians and patients is the work of a graduate student, made for his master's thesis, as a digital publication for the WAC.
With the creation of student groups on the subject of "Programming in medicine" (eg, kruzhok- and special workshops, in collaboration with students, graduate students and university employees can publish training manuals in electronic student form, including gastroenterology, and surgery.
Software Development in Russia and around the world in the last few years requires around more as an innovative technical projects for professional programmers, and optimized development and publishing technology teaching tools to effectively increase the practice of intellectual property Russian universities, including for international market (Guz GV 2015; Skibitskiy VV et al, 2015.).
P.S .: compare adaptation of sites for mobile devices;)