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Brook Box

brook box是一款Wifi搖控器,主就功能,就是幫助你收納家中所有遙控,整合電器,只要通過APP設置(All in phone),連上家裡的WIFI,就可以讓他開始操控,並學習怎麼做一個搖控管家,家中的冷氣、音響、電視,等都可一通天下,從此再也不用擔心找不到遙控器或沒電池的情況。 產品外型採用寶石圓潤造型,塑造黑曜石般光澤時尚感。自然滑順曲面線條,流露出使人愉悅的視覺美感,橢圓形狀讓發射器360度接收傳送。 我們跟市面上林朗滿目的萬能遙控器區隔打造出全功能、拍照,一機在手的綜合產品,達到極度方便歸納,搭內時尚外型,不但視覺舒適,更增加放鬆享受的時間 我們應該花更多時間在享受上,為家庭找一位安心的總管 如有任何問題,寫信給我們,地址如下 【特色】 1....
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is Brook Box not working / having issues for you?

Brook Box app may not be working for you due to some issues that your device may have or your internet connection problem.  If you think that Brook Box app has an issue, please post your issue using the comment box below and someone from our community may help you. Also in the mean time you can try the fixes mentioned below.

is Brook Box app not working for you or have something to share?

Common Brook Box App Problems and Troubleshooting Steps

✅ How to fix black screen / white screen (blank screen) issue / app crash issue in Brook Box?

Black/White Screen is one of the most common problem in mobile phones and tablets. Usually when you open an app, you will see a black screen for few seconds and then app will crash with or without an error message. There are few ways to fix this problem.

  1. Most of the times, it might be a temporary loading issue. You just need to press the recent applications menu (usually the first left button) in your phone. Then you close the app that has this issue. Now open the app again. It may work normally.
  2. Try to restart your iPhone / iPad. Press the power off button for few seconds and then choose restart from the menu to restart your device.Now you can try opening the app, it may work fine.
  3. If none of the above working, you can wait till your phone battery drains and it turns off automatically. After that put it to charge, and press the power button. It may work after this.
  4. Finally, if you can't fix it with anything, you may need to uninstall the app and re-install it. iOS usually provides an option to restore settings and content from iCloud backup, if you've enabled it previously.
  5. Even in some rare cases, the re-install step also don't work. If that is your case, try installing older versions of the app. Good luck!

✅ Brook Box app is not loading or not working properly (loading error / server error / connection error).

There are few situations that may cause the load issue in mobile apps.

  1. The Brook Box app server may be down and that is causing the loading issue. Please try after few minutes.
  2. Your wifi / mobile data connection not working properly. Please check your data connection.
  3. Too many users using the app at same time. Please try after few minutes.

✅ How to solve Brook Box login issue or account related issues.

If you have login or account related issue, please check the following steps.

  1. The Brook Box server may be down and that is causing the login/account issue. Please try logging in after few minutes.
  2. Your wifi / mobile data connection not working properly. Please check your data connection.
  3. You may be trying with wrong login credentials. Please confirm the details that you are entering is correct.
  4. If you're using third-party social networks to login such as facebook, twitter, google etc, check whether that service is working properly by visiting their official website.
  5. Your account may be banned or deactivated for activities. Please read error messages.

✅ How to solve Brook Box app installation issues.

  1. Check your wifi / internet connection for connectivity.
  2. Please check your mobile storage space. If you don't have enough space in your disk, the app can't be installed.
  3. Verify that the app you're trying to install supports your iOS version.

✅ Brook Box app is not updating properly in my phone.

  1. Please check your wifi / mobile data connection and verify that it is working properly. It may be down and stopping you from updating the Brook Box app.
  2. Confirm that you have enough storage space in your phone to download updates. If you don't have enough storage space, it can be blocking the app updates.

✅ Are you facing audio / video loading problem with Brook Box.

  1. Check your phone volume if you have audio problems.Try to use headphones to find out whether it is an issue with your speakers or with the app.
  2. If you've video loading problem, please check your internet speed and wifi connectivity.

✅ Brook Box app notifications are not working properly.

  1. Go to your Settings->Notifications->Brook Box and check whether notifications enabled or not. If it is not enabled, please enable it.
  2. Also if you don't get notification alert sounds, re-verify that you don't accidentally muted the app notification sounds.
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