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Jejak Nabi Islam

Application that contains stories, history, mention of prophets in the Qur'an.
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Jejak Nabi Islam Description

An android application that not only contains the stories of the prophets of Islam, but also displays historical traces in the real world. The historical footprint of the Prophets of God is displayed in the Google Map so that it helps users to do deeper exploration. For those who want to learn the story of the prophets further, also included a list of verses from the Qur'an that contain the name of the prophet. In addition, there are also genealogies of prophets since the Prophet Adam A. to khatamulnabiyyin Rasulullah Muhammad S.A.W ...

Our reference:
- Atlas of the Qur'an by Dr. Shauqi Abu Khalil
- 25 Acts of the Prophet and Apostle from various sources
- Images of genealogy of the prophets from the web
- Internal alphadeena studio team research
- etc

To avoid debate, we removed the genealogy from Adnan back on the basis of the words of Umar bi Khattab R.A. as follows:
"We know that the list of ancestors only reached Adnan", even Ibn Abbas once stated "between Adnan and Ismail there are 30 unknown generations". "

As well as the following opinions:
According to a narrative mentioned in some books, such as Bihar al-Anwar, Kasyf al-Ghumma fi Ma'rifat al-Aimmah As, and al-Manâqib li Ali Abi Thibl As, [3] the Prophet said, "In introducing and explaining Your lineage (fathers) should be enough until Adnan (only). (Don't you mention my bro after Adnan).

Likewise in several other narrations quoted from the Prophet Muhammad stated that, "When my line (nasab) arrived at Ma'ad bin Adnan to Ibrahim As, then those who explained this lineage (nasab experts) had said lies."

Wallahusalam bisshowwab.

From Abu Hurairah ra, the Prophet (SAS) said: "Whoever releases a tribulation of a believer, surely Allah will deliver from him one tribulation on the Day of Judgment. Whoever makes other people's business easy, surely God will make it easier in the world and in the hereafter. Whoever covers the shame of a Muslim, surely Allah will cover his shame in the world and in the hereafter. God always helps His servants as long as His servant likes to help his brother ". (Narrated by Muslim, see also Collection of Hadith Arba'in An Nawawi 36th hadith).