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Аудио сказки для детей

Аудио сказки для детей

Best audio tales for children of preschool and primary school age
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Аудио сказки для детей Description

The audio book includes a collection of Russian folk tales. Pearls of Russian, Ukrainian, Kazakh and Belarusian folklore.

A magnificent collection of the best children's tales told by a talented actress will open you to an extraordinary and diverse world of miracles and magic, introduce you to kind and sympathetic heroes and their antipodes, and also unobtrusively teach life wisdom. These tales will undoubtedly take one of the first places in your home collection.


- Masha and the Bear
- The wolf and the seven Young goats
- Bubble, straw and bast shoe
- Chanterelle with a rolling pin
- Bunny and fox
- smart granddaughter
- Fox and thrush
- Ryaba chicken

Tale - a genre of literary creativity:

The folklore tale is an epic genre of written and oral folk art: a prosaic oral story about fictional events in folklore of different nations. The kind of narrative, mainly prose folklore (fairy tale prose), which includes multi-genre works, the texts of which are based on fiction. Fairy-tale folklore opposes the “authentic” folklore narrative (fairy-tale prose) (see myth, epic, historical song, spiritual verses, legend, demonological tales, tale, legend, bull-calf).

A literary fairy tale is an epic genre: a fiction-oriented work closely associated with a folk tale, but, in contrast, belonging to a specific author, which had not existed before publication orally and had no options. A literary fairy tale either imitates folklore (a literary fairy tale written in the folk poetical style) or creates a didactic work (see didactic literature) based on non-folklore subjects. A folk tale historically precedes a literary one.

Android Collection Properties

- lullabies for babies
- an assistant to parents and grandparents in lulling children
- an audio story develops the imagination of a child
- helps children in understanding the world through a fairy tale
- helps kids learn new words of the Russian language
- audio book teaches babes kindness and justice
- euthanizes not only children but also adults
- lullabies for children
- tales of Andersen, the brothers Grimm, Tolstoy, Pushkin
- a collection of fairy tales for children Audi
- bedtime stories for free
- tales of Russian writers
- audio poems by Korney Chukovsky
- Audio Krylov's fables in Russian offline
- Children's songs of Soviet times
- Audio tales with pictures
- Audio tales of Charles Perrault
- Songs for children

An audio book is an art or cognitive work, usually read by a person (for example, a professional actor) or their group and recorded on any sound medium. Audiobooks can be considered a kind of radio show (radio show).

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